ICAP: PrEP Implementation in Central America

Columbia University Faculty Liaison: Michael T. Yin, MD, MS
Site Mentor: Ricardo Mendizabal (rm3861@cumc.columbia.edu)
Research opportunities available:
Summer Research Projects and Scholarly Projects
Thematic Research Areas:
Access to Health Care, Gender and LGBTQ Health, and Mental Health
Global Pop funds students from the following CUIMC Schools at this site:
Language requirement:
Fluency in Spanish is required
Potential activities that could be carried out by students at this site:
Literature Review, Interviewing/Surveying, Data monitoring, Data analysis, Program monitoring and evaluation, and Development of Educational Materials
Other requirements or information:
This site offers on-site orientation upon arrival.
About Projects with ICAP in 2024
Project Title: PrEP implementation, through PEPFAR funded PSA award, in Central America
Project Information: ICAP is working with community organizations and Ministries of Health in the expansion of PrEP in Central America. An important need is to evaluate the current implementation, through both qualitative and quantitative approaches.
- Perú and Colombia: We have a HIV program focused on migrants, creating access to HIV testing, PrEP, ART treatment and index testing. For this, we have project-based databases, and we will be currently working on a protocol for qualitative and quantitative assessment of the program.
- Panama: We will start a new migrant focused program, for migrants moving to north, starting action in Necoclí (Colombia) focused on the transition to Panama on Darién, and going up.
Student Participation: Remote, Hybrid, and In-person
Travel Location(s): Necoclí, Colombia or Darién, Panama or Perú
Number of Students: 3-4 in the Latin America Region
- For in person activities: 1 student per country
- Total: 2 hybrid or remote students and 1-2 in person students