Mentor - Esther Spindler, MS
Thematic Areas: Child and Adolescent Health, Infectious Diseases, Sexual and Reproductive Health, Social determinants of Health, Migrant Health
Esther Spindler is a Doctoral Student at the Department of Population and Family Health, Columbia University. Esther does research on adolescent transitions, sexual and reproductive health, and gender-based violence. Her most recent publication is 'Beyond interviews and focus groups: a framework for integrating innovative qualitative methods into randomised controlled trials of complex public health interventions'.
Mentored Summer Research Projects in 2021
Adolescent research inclusion, informed consent, autonomy, and protection: An exploration of key stakeholder knowledge, attitudes, and perspectives in Uganda
Student: Fiona McAuley (VP&S)
Assessment of cognitive capacity of adolescents and parents to provide informed consent in Rakai, Uganda
Student: Nao Haba, MD (MSPH)