Dominican Republic: La Romana, Clínica de Familia La Romana
Clínica de Familia La Romana's community health experience offers learning opportunities for volunteers, students, and residents. In addition to clinical and program rotations, all students and volunteers also participate in a research or public health project.
The community health experience at the Clínica de Familia evolved from a collaboration with Columbia University in New York. Clínica de Familia began receiving students from Columbia University in 2002, but since then, the program has expanded substantially and now we receive students and volunteers from different Dominican, American and foreign universities and institutions.
Clínica de Familia provides outpatient, primary and specialized HIV medical care, psychosocial, community and home-based services, and an annual summer camp for HIV-positive children. The clinical services offered include primary care, pediatrics, obstetrics, gynecology, cardiology, diabetes care, pulmonology, nephrology, dermatology, family and internal medicine, family planning, mental health services, and laboratory and imaging services.
In addition to its clinical services, Clínica de Familia also houses one of the largest comprehensive HIV clinics in the country, providing medical care and treatment to more than 2,500 clients. The clinic also offers specialized sexually transmitted infection consultations for sex workers and men who have sex with men. In addition, the Clinic oversees a program to reduce vertical transmission of HIV. Clínica de Familia La Romana aims to improve the quality of life of the poorest and most vulnerable populations in the eastern region of the country with a comprehensive and family-centered approach. More information about each program can be found at
Columbia University Faculty Liaison: Michael T. Yin, MD, MS
Site Mentors: Project Dependent
Research opportunities available at this site:
Summer Research Projects, Scholarly Projects, and Research Year
Thematic Research Areas at this site:
Access to healthcare, Social Determinants of Health, Epidemiology, Adolescent Health, Sexual and Reproductive Health, Gender and LGBTQ+ health, Infectious Diseases, and Migrant health
Global Pop funds students from the following CUIMC Schools at this site:
Language requirement:
Global Health Experience Overview:
The global health experience provides education and training rotations, practicums, and internships for medical, public health, nursing, psychology, social work, and other health science students, residents, and volunteers. The objective of the program is to improve the health of underserved populations through the participation of students and health professionals dedicated to research, education and service.
Potential activities that could be carried out by students at this site:
Literature Review, IRB development, Interview tool development, Interviewing/Surveying, Attend regular Team/Site meetings, Data collection, Data monitoring, Data analysis, Program monitoring and evaluation, Manuscript writing, Summarizing/Disseminating results, Formulation of recommendations/policy guidance, Development of Educational Materials, Translation, Shadowing, Community outreach
Other requirements or information:
For more information about the program and research projects, please contact the student coordinator, Jeffrey González (
This site offers on-site orientation upon arrival. Although students are responsible for coordinating their own accommodations, they can contact the Student and Volunteer Coordinator for more information and accommodation options. Participants can use public transportation or walk to the Clinic, which is located in the center of the city. All students prepare a final presentation.
In order to cover the program costs, including orientation, support, mentorship, and supervision, Clínica de Familia charges US $500 for participation. As a Dominican non-profit organization, this contributes to the sustainability of the student program at Clínica de Familia.
About Projects with CFLR in 2024
Project 1: Vertical Transmission Birth Experiences
Supervisor: Yazmina Castro, Research Coordinator
Brief Summary of the Project: Approximately 50 women each year are enrolled in Clínica de Familia's HIV Vertical Transmission Program. This project proposes in-depth interviews with 5-10 women in the program, about their experiences giving birth at the public maternity hospital that partners with Clínica de Familia.
Student's Responsibilities: (1) The students will develop an interview guide, then recruit postpartum clients in collaboration with the vertical transmission program staff, and finally conduct the interviews. (2) Students will then conduct qualitative analysis of the interview transcripts, identifying key themes. (3) Based on the analysis, the students will provide recommendations to the program for how to improve support to pregnant women during the birthing process.
Deliverables: Final Presentation and, time permitting, begin draft manuscript.
Project 2: Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices Study (KAP): PrEP Clients
Supervisor: Feldin Reyes, PrEP Coordinator
Brief Summary of the Project: Clínica de Familia is a community clinic that provides outpatient care to the general public and vulnerable populations, including people with HIV, children and adolescents, immigrants, sex workers, and the LGBTQI community. Our services include medical care (primary care, HIV, STIs, various specialties), mental health services, diagnostic services, social work, community outreach, and educational services. Through its comprehensive approach, the clinic aims to improve the health and quality of life of vulnerable populations in the eastern region of the Dominican Republic. This project will assess the knowledge, attitudes, and practices related to sexual and reproductive health, family planning, STIs, and HIV among PrEP clients at Clínica de Familia.
Student's Responsibilities: (1) Collect data through surveys from at least 50 PrEP clients. (2) Analyze the collected data to identify patterns and trends in knowledge, attitudes, and practices.
Deliverables: Final presentation
Student Participation: In person
Number of Students: 1-2
Mentored Research Project in 2023
Evaluating Clinician Responses to Treatment Failure in Patients Living with HIV in La Romana, Dominican Republic
Student: Nadia Goldberg (VP&S)
Mentored Research Projects in 2022
Patient Satisfaction in Comprehensive Program for HIV/AIDS at La Clínica de Familia La Romana
Student: Oliver Piltch (VP&S)
Mentored Research Projects in 2020
Prevalence of Chlamydia Among Pregnant Adolescents in La Romana, Dominican Republic
Student: Pilar Bancalari
Help-Seeking Behavior in Female Sex Worker Survivors of Violence in La Romana, Dominican Republic
Student:Kelsey Badger
Reported Violence and Its Influence on Receptiveness to Mental Health Care Among MSM and Transgender Women in the Dominican Republic
Student: Phoebe Greenwald
Violence Against Female Sex Workers Based on Birth Country
Student: Nina Roth
Mentored Research Projects in 2019
Understanding the Types and Extent of Violence Experienced by Female Sex Workers in La Romana, Dominican Republic
Understanding Sexual and Reproductive Needs of Young Men in La Romana, Dominican Republic